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Safed Chandan Mala (Certified & Abhimantrit)

1850 ₹ 599 Video Description

  • Wearing it keeps the mind and brain calm.
  • All the defects of the horoscope are removed and the wearer gets everything for which he strives.
  • This garland has been invoked by the Vedic Brahmins with the mantras of Maa Lakshmi.
  • Wearing sandalwood garland is beneficial even if there is mild fever, anemia and sleeplessness.
  • If the student wears it, then the mind will be engaged in studies and he will progress.


White Sandalwood Garland

The importance of sandalwood in Vedic astrology and Vedic rituals is not hidden from anyone. Sandalwood is known for its cooling nature. That's why wearing it keeps the mind and brain calm. If the mantra of Maa Gayatri is chanted 108 times (one garland) every day with sandalwood material, then all the defects of the horoscope are removed and the wearer gets everything for which he strives.

Benefits of White Sandalwood Garland

By wearing it, the restlessness of the mind goes away, so if the student wears it, then the mind will be engaged in studies and he will progress.
The wearer becomes calm and his interest towards religious works increases.
Wearing sandalwood garland is beneficial even if there is mild fever, anemia and sleeplessness.
The wearer is full of enthusiasm, due to which he does every work in a good way, which ultimately brings success and prosperity.

This garland has been invoked by the Vedic Brahmins with the mantras of Maa Lakshmi. Get this blessed rosary and wear it on Monday or Friday with true devotion and desire.

Day of Wearing White Sandalwood Garland: Thursday

How to Wear White Sandalwood Garland

After taking a bath and wear clean clothes, at worship place in front of Deva Vishnu/Krishna Statue or Photo spread yellow cloth, worship the garland by using turmeric and yellow flowers, pray and wear the garland.

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